It’s Pride Month

Being the spectrum and not afraid of what we see both in ourselves and others?  Celebration of diversity and living out true self

June is Pride month. This is the chance for the LGBTQ+ community to take center stage and for everyone to join in and celebrate the diversity that makes our world the thrilling place that it is. We all deserve the opportunity to live as our true selves, and Pride month draws necessary attention to the countless beautiful ways to be. 

Living out our true selves is about a lot more than sexuality and pleasure. In fact, pleasure is about a lot more than sex. Did you know that you can be romantically attracted to one gender and sexually attracted to another? This diversity and fluidity is part of what makes life so enjoyable when we aren’t confined to traditional expectations and one set of experiences. 

Whether you identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community or you identify as an ally, Pride Month is a great opportunity to celebrate this diversity and celebrate your sexuality that makes you innately you

You are beautiful. You are loved. You are lovable. Just the way you are. 


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